10 Ways to Create & Repurpose Your Content Fast

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By now you know how search engines and algorithms work: the more new content you have, the better. But that also means you need to create more content. This isn’t always an easy feat, especially when time is an issue, which is most of us! Luckily, creating more content doesn’t have to take hours. But what if you could create and repurpose your content fast, or use certain tactics to help you create content quickly and efficiently? You can not only create loads of content but publish it to position yourself as an expert, get clients, or make sales. 

I am excited to share some of my best tips below and also have some of my favorite industry experts weigh in on the topic. Generating fresh, engaging content for your business is more relevant than ever.


Why Repurpose Your Content?

Save time first and foremost, and then get more bang for your buck with your content. You know you have put a lot of time and energy into writing your content initially. While some information does tend to change over time, some topics will continue to be searched over and over again. As an online business manager, I am asked questions about systems and processes, so business owners want to know, how can they be more efficient and effective in driving traffic to their website, how can they be more productive, or how can they streamline the content creation process so they can hand off pieces to a virtual assistant and free up their time to be a visionary CEO. 

The answers to these questions may not necessarily change that much. I may not keep researching and rewriting the same posts, but I can tweak it to keep it fresh, relevant, and engaging to my audience over time.

The goal becomes to do more with less time and energy. 

How can you make the same piece of content, one that is well-researched, well-written, and engaging, stay fresh and relevant to your audience over time? 

The short answer is a resounding yes if you do it properly. There are no penalties if you create and repurpose your content fast, if you do it well.

Ways to Create Content Fast

Let’s look at some of the easiest ways to create and repurpose your content fast. In general, there are two main ways to do this: 

1. Different ways to repurpose your content

If you’re already creating some content, you’re in luck! You can easily repurpose it into even more content. Here are some ideas: 

  • Take out quotes from longer social posts or blog posts and make multiple graphics for Instagram (you can even share these on Pinterest which is a great search engine as well!)
  • Use your shorter Facebook lives & expand on points in a blog post
  • Take your Facebook lives and send it to temi.com or another transcription service, and use it to create a blog post
  • Put together shorter blog posts to create an epic series of content that positions you as an expert 
  • Look for older blog posts that aren’t getting many views and update it.

2. Use your resources


  • Reach out to other bloggers and create round-up posts where experts weigh in to answer a question (like this one). You get a blog post that’s packed with value without having to write too much.  
  • Do a Q and A post. Reach out to your existing audience and find out the questions they have and answer them in a blog post 
  • Scan the Internet and create a list of the best videos, podcasts, gift guides, etc. It doesn’t take a lot of writing and it’s still super valuable for your audience
  • Have someone do a guest blog post. You get more content and a new audience when they share the link, and they get to share their expertise with your readers. Win-win! 
  • If you have a podcast instead of a blog, have someone do a guest podcast episode 
  • Use PLR content as a starting point and make it your own
  • Recycle your existing content by creating multiple pins for the same post. You don’t have to write more but you can create more traction with what you already have.

My Top 3 Tools to Create and Repurpose Your Content Fast

Who doesn’t love tools! Especially tools that make creating even easier. Here are my top three tools for creating content. 

Airtable is like a spreadsheet and database on steroids. I love it so much more than anything like Excel or Sheets. For me, this is organization heaven! 

I’m able to track and organize data, but also collaborate with my team, leave comments and messages, and it stores images and data easily (unlike systems like Excel and Sheets which aren’t really sized for image storage) meaning my team can upload social media graphics so they are ready to approve and populate. 

Descript is an all-in-one software system for editing videos, audio, recording screens, and transcribing. This is my go-to editing software for editing my YouTube videos and also my Micro Audio Summits because it can be used to strip out any of the video from the player and leave the MP3 file only. 

If you aren’t savvy with editing, there is an auto-feature that allows you to remove all the filler words like “um” and “ah” that we say unconsciously as we speak. It syncs up the video along with the audio so it doesn’t look really off when you are watching a playback. 

SocialBee is one of my favorite tools to recycle your repurposed content for social media.  SocialBee reposts your content to Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter based on the schedule you decide. I primarily use it for Facebook to post content on my Facebook business page.  Once you have your social media content written, use this tool to put your content distribution on autopilot. 

10 Experts Share Tips to Create & Repurpose Your Content Fast

Need more ideas on how to create content fast? I asked these 10 experts to share their best tips for how they create their own content quickly and efficiently. 

If you have no time to create content and if you struggle to figure out WHAT to talk or write about, then this is for you: 

Go inside one of your favorite FB groups where you know your ideal client hangs out. Type a keyword related to your field in the search tab. For example “oils” or “weight” or “pregnancy” or “healthy” or even “snacks” if you’re a health coach.

Look for questions that are asked and pick one you can answer. Congratulations! You’ve got your topic. Now, just go live in your group/page. or even record a short video (3-5 min) from your phone (that way it will be easier to share it around) giving 1 tip for the person asking that question.

That’s it! 5 minutes to search for the topic 5 minutes to make the video.

I use BuzzSumo and see what keywords are being shared in topics. I use Answer The Public.com for the same thing. I publish on Medium and also post in applicable Facebook groups to answer questions.

Jessica Kreuger

My tip is to know your long-term goal (are you offering a service, selling a course, building your list, etc) and create a plan to make sure each piece of content you put out supports that goal and leads your ideal client through their buyer’s journey. 

Hate writing? Speak your content instead. Record yourself talking about the topic, then have the audio file transcribed, and edit for clarity. This is an incredibly easy way to write blog posts, a book, or any other written content!

Corinne Kerston

I batch my content. I have a Trello board where I put all my ideas and notes. I try to set aside a specific time to do my own content, but if I’m not feeling in flow, I don’t force it. When I am in writing mode, it comes much quicker and easier. Then I also set aside additional time to batch my graphics and schedule any new posts on my blog.


Have a reliable freelancer on call. When you know you need to get something written that is really important to your audience but don’t have the time to do it, sometimes it pays to pay someone else! Create an outline with specific instructions for what you’re looking for, provide examples of your own writing (even from the blog where the finished piece will be published!) so the writer can match your voice and style, and send it off for someone else to worry about. This is a great once-in-a-while way to help you get something off your chest so you can realign your content priorities.

Invest in writing tools.

When we write in a hurry, we don’t write well; we make mistakes. When we edit in a hurry, we miss catching those mistakes! Paid tools like Grammarly will help you spot mistakes in your writing. Free tools like Hemingway Editor will help you clarify your ideas and better structure readability within your piece.

Remember that “done” is better than “perfect.”

While we should all strive for perfection, it’s often a fruitless endeavor. We’ll never be perfect and for those of us who are perfectionists, we will always find things in our writing that we think can be made better. At some point, we just have to quit perfecting and let “done” be “done”! Write your stuff, run it through Grammarly or Hemingway, and aside from correcting actual glaring mistakes, call it “good enough” and publish it on your site.

My favorite way to get content out quickly is to block out time on my schedule when I can concentrate on, without interruptions, content and graphic creation time. Then I take that content and load it into my current favorite scheduling tool, Buffer.  4 hours per month to LinkedIn, my Facebook biz page, and 2 Facebook groups.

Gretchen Dauzat

Block out some time, 2-4 hours, and write a social media post from every main point you hit on in the post, video, or episode. When outlining your video go ahead and write a blog post and newsletter from there. Pull out any quotes and create graphics for them. Create 2-3 Pinterest graphics, pull photos for the posts. Then schedule all content into your scheduler.

Create an inspiration/swipe file of the content you absolutely loved. If you feel like you’re running blank, open your swipe file and get inspired. Your swipe file doesn’t necessarily need to be from your own industry.

KISS – Keep it Stupid Simple!

Dumb it down.

The more you try to be innovative, the more you complicate it, and the faster you’ll give up writing altogether. So it’s better to just pick ONE focus point, ONE train of thought, ONE idea and write on that. Instead of talking about multiple things at a time.

Have a Conversation.

You have a content idea/topic! Perfect.

Now how would you explain it to a friend? Where would you start? How would you proceed? What kind of questions would your friend ask? How would you respond to those questions?

Have an imaginary conversation with a friend and write it down.

Now, you have the first draft. You can get back to it and edit as required.

  • Create an outline.
  • Divide the whole idea/topic into steps.
  • Start from point zero and then proceed to the next steps logically.
  • Make it easier for you to write, stay on track, and take the reader on a journey with you.

The more content you have, the more you can pin, and the more traffic you can drive back to your website. But as we all know, creating quality content takes time. Luckily, by either repurposing content, you already have or using any of the tips above to speed up your process, you can start creating even more content very quickly. 

If you are an overachiever, you can also check out these 27 Awesome Ways of Repurposing! 

I hope this post has given you a lot of information on how to create and repurpose your content fast driving more traffic and potential clients to your site. Bookmark it for reference if you need to index the tools and tips I have included here.


If you need support in designing a workflow for your content creation and repurposing system and process, my VIP days and retainer services may be just what you need to get you up and running so you can create and repurpose your content fast SOPs, templates, tools, and more. You can check out my services and schedule a call with me here. 


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